अध्याय १८ शलोक ५८
The Gita – Chapter 18 – Shloka 58
Shloka 58
उपर्युक्त्त प्रकार से मुझ में चित्त वाला होकर तू मेरी कृपा से समस्त संकटों को अनायास ही पार कर जायगा और यदि अहंकार के कारण मेरे वचनों को न सुनेगा तो नष्ट हो जायगा अर्थात् परमार्थ से भ्रष्ट हो जायगा ।। ५८ ।।
O Arjuna, a person who constantly fixes all his thoughts and meditations upon Me, by My Grace, overcomes all the dangers and difficulties, that he encounters in his lifetime. However, he who constantly only thinks about himself, develops a false ego, and does not heed My Divine Words of Wisdom, is lost and eventually shall perish.
The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali and English – The Gita.net