अध्याय १८ शलोक  ४९

अध्याय १८ शलोक  ४९


The Gita – Chapter 18 – Shloka 49

Shloka 49

 सर्वत्र आसक्त्ति रहित बुद्भि वाला, स्पृहारहित और जीते हुए अन्त:करण वाला पुरुष सांख्य योग के द्वारा उस परम नैष्कमर्य  सिद्भि को प्राप्त होता है ।। ४९ ।।

When a man’s ultimate goal is to achieve freedom from material bondage in this world, and his soul is divine and in pure harmony, he can attain the results of RENUNCIATION (detachment from material objects) which thus, leads him to the Supreme Region of Peace, Happiness and Bliss, which is with Me, in glorious heaven.

The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali and English – The Gita.net

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