अध्याय ३ शलोक ३
The Gita – Chapter 3 – Shloka 3
Shloka 3
श्रीभगवान् बोले — हे निष्पाप ! इस लोक में दो प्रकार की निष्ठा मेरे द्वारा पहले की गयी है । उनमें से सांख्य योगियों की निष्ठा तो ज्ञान से और योगियों की निष्ठा कर्मयोग से होती है ।। ३ ।।
The Blessed Lord replied:
O Arjuna, always remember in life that there are only two definite paths of action as I have described before. One of these is known as Sankhyayoga or the path of knowledge, and the other is Karmayoga, or the path of performing duty and action without expecting any result.
The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali and English – The Gita.net