अध्याय ३ शलोक २
The Gita – Chapter 3 – Shloka 2
Shloka 2
आप मिले हुए वचनों से मेरी बुद्भि को मानो मोहित कर रहे हैं । इसलिये उस एक बात को निश्चित करके कहिये, जिससे मैं कल्याण को प्राप्त हो जाऊँ ।। २ ।।
I am confused dear Lord, by the advice you have given to me. You have told me to take two opposite and different courses of action at once. Please, O KRISHNA, tell me of just one wise solution and course of action that would lead out of this problem safely.
The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali and English – The Gita.net