अध्याय १८ शलोक ५६

अध्याय १८ शलोक  ५६


The Gita – Chapter 18 – Shloka 56

Shloka 56

 मेरे परायण हुआ योगी तो सम्पूर्ण कर्मों को सदा करता हुआ भी मेरी कृपा से सनातन अविनाशी परम पद को प्राप्त हो जाता है ।। ५६ ।।

While engaged in whatever task a person has been prescribed, a person can task refuge in Me, and with My Divine Grace and Protection, a person, can easily reach the most Supreme and Eternal Abode where I reside.

The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali and English – The Gita.net

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