अध्याय १७ शलोक  २

अध्याय १७ शलोक  २


The Gita – Chapter 17 – Shloka 2

Shloka 2

 श्री भगवान् बोले —– मनुष्यों की वह शास्त्रीय संस्कारों से रहित केवल स्वभाव से उत्पन्न श्रद्बा सात्विको और राजसी तथा तामसी —–ऐसे तीनों प्रकार की होती है । उसको तू मुझ से सुन ।। २ ।।

The Blessed Lord said:
O Arjuna, man possesses three kinds of faith that are born from his nature and these are: faith born out of light and goodness; faith born out of fire, or passion; faith that is born out of darkness or dullness. Now my dear devotee and friend, I shall describe all of the faiths.

The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali and English – The Gita.net

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