अध्याय ११ शलोक ३७

अध्याय ११ शलोक ३७


The Gita – Chapter 11 – Shloka 37

Shloka 37

 हे महात्मन् ! ब्रह्मा के भी आदिकर्ता और सबसे बड़े आप के लिये वे कैसे नमस्कार न करें ; क्योकि हे अनन्त ! हे देवेश ! हे जगन्निवास ! जो सत्, असत् और उनसे परे अक्षर अर्थात् सच्चिदानन्धन ब्रह्मा है वह आप ही हैं ।। ३७ ।।

To think that any wiseman would do anything else but bow down before Your infinite greatness. is unwise, O Blessed Lord, Lord of Lords, Spirit Supreme! You are the Lord of Brahma (the Lord of Creation). You, my Dear Lord, are the never-ending, eternal refuge of the world. You are all that exists, that is non-existent, and that is even beyond existence.

The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali and English – The Gita.net

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