अध्याय १० शलोक ६

अध्याय १० शलोक ६


The Gita – Chapter 10 – Shloka 6

Shloka 6

 सात महषिजन, चार उनसे भी पूर्व में होने वाले सनकादि स्वयम्भुव आदि चौदह मनु —-ये मुझ में भाव वाले सब-के-सब मेरे संकल्प से उत्पन्न हुए है, जिनकी संसार में यह सम्पुर्ण प्रजा है ।। ६ ।।

The seven great sages (wisemen), their four elders (such as SANAK and the others) and the fourteen MANUS (the forefathers and originators of man-kind, namely SWAYAMBHU MANU and the generation that followed him), who were all my great devotees and were born out of MY will, all the beings that have evolved in the world are descendents of these devotees of mine.

The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali and English – The Gita.net

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